Budget Change Details Page

This page is displayed when a budget change is selected on the Budget Details page. From here you can obtain detailed information about the selected budget change and take action on Draft status changes. If the budget change is in any status other than Approved', the page will display multiple statuses that you can move the budget change through. Once a budget change has been approved, the page will change to show only Mail Merge, Void and Edit action buttons. A quick cost summary as well as attached budget change items can be viewed from this page.

Regardless of the status of the budget change, you are always able to access the following:

  • Custom Fields
  • Notes
  • Documents
  • Forms
  • Processes

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Mail Merge: Click to open a mail merge document. In Trimble Unity Construct, a mail merge document is a Microsoft Word® or PDF® print out of the data currently in view. Mail merge templates can be generic, providing just the data currently in view, or custom. If a template has not been created for your project, a generic printout opens. Custom templates provide additional cost data. These templates are created by your Trimble Unity Construct Administrator and can be tailored with field mappings to capture very specific cost information. For more information, see Cost Mail Merge Templates.
  • Controlling Process: Displays only if a cost process exists for the budget change. If the process is not yet completed (not in the approve or void status) it can only be updated in the process and not in the Cost module; in which case the action buttons (Make Pending, Make Projected, Edit, etc.) will not display.
  • Rescind Approval Req: Click to negate a budget change approval request. This button will only display for the originator of the approval request after the request has been sent and before the approval has been granted.
  • Make Pending: Click to change the status of the budget change to pending. This status is used to indicate when there is a likely change to an existing commitment or line item in the budget. By entering these items the team can gain visibility into any anticipated changes before they occur.
  • Make Projected: Click to change the status of the budget change to projected. Projected is a status indicator that is available for commitment and budget changes. It is used to indicate when there is a possible change to an existing commitment or line item in the budget. By entering these items the team can gain visibility into any anticipated changes before they occur.
  • Request Approval: Click to request a budget change approval.
  • Approve: Click to approve a budget change request.
  • Edit: Click to open the Add/Edit Change Details page and edit the details of the budget change.
  • Delete: Displays for draft budget changes only. Click to delete the budget change.
  • Void: Click to void an approved budget change. Approved changes cannot be deleted. To remove a change from the budget information, it must be voided.