Add Budget Changes

As a project progresses, a need to make changes to the budget may occur a few times throughout the life of the project; in which case a budget change request is in order.

If you need to make changes to a budget line item that has not bee created yet, you will first need to add the budget line item, and then proceed with the procedure below.

To add a budget change

  1. Go to the Budget Details page.
  2. Click the Budget Changes tab.
  3. Click Add Change.
  4. The Add Change Details page is displayed.

  5. Enter all required fields.
  6. For a detailed description of all the fields and buttons located on this page, see Add/Edit Change Details Page Overview.

  7. Click Save and Add All Line Items to apply this change to all existing budget line items. You are prompted for confirmation. Click Continue. The Edit Change Details page display.
  8. —Or—

    Click Save and Add Items One at a Time to apply this change to a single line item or individual budget line items at a time. The Add Budget Change Item page is displayed.

  9. Enter all required fields and make all necessary changes.
  10. Click Save & Add New or click Save.
  11. The Budget Change Details page is displayed.

  12. From here you can take any of the following actions regarding the budget change:

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