Add Escalation Rules

Escalation rules can be set for specific steps in a process or for an entire process. This is an optional setting. If set for a specific step then the escalation will only occur if the step meets the defined escalation requirement. Adding escalation rules allow you to automate email reminders to users when a process step or an entire process has not been completed within a certain amount of time or based on conditions that you determine.

To add escalation rules

  1. To add escalation rules to the entire workflow, go to the Workflows tab for the process.
  2. For instructions, see Access Workflows Tab.


    To add escalation rules to a process step, go to the step properties and click the Escalation Rules tab. For instructions, see Access Step Properties.

  3. Click Add Rule.
  4. The Add Escalation Rule dialog box displays.

  5. Complete all necessary fields.
  6. For a description of the fields on this page, see Add Escalation Rule Page Overview.

  7. Click Save.

The next procedure in this process is Connect Steps in the Workflow.

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