Add Escalation Rule Page

Escalation rules allow you to set up automatic escalations based on certain conditions. For instance, you may want to escalate to the director of construction if a potential change order has aged five days after the process due date and the commitment change value is greater than $10,000. Escalation rules allow you to setup these conditions and initiate an escalation email to the director of construction.

Escalation rules can be set for an entire workflow or for just a step in the process. Workflow-level escalation rules will send an email notification for every step that meets the conditions set by the rule.

Escalation rules can be set for specific steps in a process for an entire workflow. If set for a specific step then the escalation will only occur if the step meets the defined escalation requirement. Remember, if set at the workflow level and the escalation is defined by the step start or due date then for every step that meets that condition the notification will be sent.

Once a rule is saved it shows up in the Escalation Rules grid with Edit and Delete links. The maximum amount of escalation rules that can be set for a workflow is five.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on the Add Escalation Rule page are:

  • When: Enter time-sensitive criteria that will determine when the escalation is sent.
  • Condition: Optionally, you can include conditions in the escalation rule which are expression builders for field assignments.
  • Notify: This section allows you to determine who will be notified. You can set the rule to notify the initiator of the process, the accepted actor of the current step, all actors, the Administrators or specific roles. Select the various groups of users and click the Add button to add them to the Selected grid.

    When at least one role is selected, the Add Role(s) as field appears, giving you the option to select whether the roles are Non Actors or Actors. See the description of this field below for more information.

  • Add Role(s) as: This field appears when at least one role is selected in the Notify field.
    • Non Actors (Comments Only) – Select this option to assign notified parties as non actors, which will only enable them to add comments, and not the ability to take action on the escalation.
    • Actor – Select this option to assign notified parties as actors, which will only enable them to take action on the escalation.
  • Re-notify Every: Click the Day(s) drop-down arrow and select Day(s) or Hour(s). Enter the amount of days or hours you want users to be re-notified.
  • Override Process Notification Settings: Select this check box to override the project notification settings, which will otherwise take precedence.

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