Submittal Register Page

The Submittal Register page allows all participants of the submittal process to access submittal items and take the appropriate actions. The action buttons are permissions based, and therefore may not be available to all team members.

From the Submittal Register page you can take any of the following general actions:

  • Filter Submittal Items: The top portion of this page is a filter that allows you to narrow the list of submittals you are viewing by a wide range of criteria.
  • View Filtered Submittal Items: The table located in the lower portion of the page lists all available submittal items or the results of your filtered criteria.

    When the View draft submittals account-level setting is enabled, all team members who have the View Submittals permission will be able to see Submittal Register Items that are in Draft status.

From the Submittal Register page, the following role-specific actions can be taken to complete the submittal process: