View Filtered Submittal Items

A description of the fields and buttons located in this section is provided below:

  • Priority Icons: If applicable, this column displays the status of each item. Below is a description of each item:
    • high_imoprtance_16x16 High Priority
    • low_imoprtance_16x16 Low Priority
  • Item Details: The paper clip and comment icons give you the options to view existing attachments and comments and add new ones. The calendar icon appears for general contractors (users with Add/Edit Submittal permissions). Click the calendar icon to view and modify submittal date details.
  • Title: Displays the title of the submittal item. Click to open the Submittal Item Details page. If available, the description icon appears (Descriptions Icon) - click to view a description of the item as entered by the general contractor.
  • #: Displays the submittal item number.
  • Rev #: Displays the submittal item's revision number.
  • Package #: Displays the submittal package number that the items belongs to. If a number does not display, the item has not yet been added to a package.
  • Spec Section: Displays the spec section number. The spec section refers to a section number in the specifications which itemizes the details of that section; such as Masonry, for example. This is usually based on the CSI division.
  • Sub Section: Displays the sub section number. The sub section refers to the subsection number of the specifications which itemizes the details of that section. This is usually based on the CSI division and its spec section.
  • Category: Displays the category that the submittal item belongs to.
  • Status: Displays the status of the item as assigned by the submittal coordinator. Submittal statuses and prefixes are customizable by account administrators, therefore available statuses may vary. Below is a description of the default statuses, which may or may not be used by your particular account:
    • App - Approved
    • AAN - Approved as Noted
    • FRO - For Record Only
    • ONH - On Hold
    • REJ - Rejected
    • REV - Revise
    • RAR -Revise & Resubmit
  • Submittal Coordinator: Displays the name of the submittal coordinator.
  • Held By: Displays the name of the person(s) who the item is currently in the court of.
    • General Contractor and Subcontractors: If the item was sent to a subcontractor, their name or email address (if an external subcontractor) will appear in this field. Internal subcontractors are able to send items to other subcontractors. If this occurs, and neither of these users have taken action on the item, both of their names will appear in this field.
    • Submittal Coordinator and Reviewers: If the item was sent for review by the submittal coordinator to one or more reviewers, the name or email address (if an external reviewer) of those reviewers will appear in this field, as long as they have not yet taken action on the item.
  • Reviewers: A Reviewers link appears in this column when the item has been forwarded for review by the submittal coordinator or sub-consultants. Click this link to view a list of all reviewers of the item and if applicable, when their reviews were completed.