Funding Sources

Funding sources allow you to establish where funds are being endowed for budget line items, commitments and/or invoices. The funding section of the Cost module enables you to set up how the funding features will operate in the user interface. Funding settings let you determine the level of restrictions you wish to place on budget, commitment and actual cost funding. Once funding is enabled for a particular component, e-Builder prompts users to make a selection before adding a budget line item, processing a commitment or invoice to ensure consistent usage throughout the life of the project. Enabling funding on a project offers visibility into total, used and remaining project funds per funding source. Used conjointly with funding cost controls, you can ensure that you do not budget, commit or spend more than is available in any given funding source. From this section you can also set up your funding categories, by which to group funding sources.

In e-Builder, funding sources are added through the user interface in the Cost module. By default, a funding source is always required when processing invoices. If enabled for commitments and budget line items, users are required to make funding source selections before commitments can be processed and budget line items can be saved.

The following topics are located in this section: