Edit Funding Settings

If funding is enabled on the account, funding settings should be configured to coincide with the goals of your cost management process. These settings allow you to determine the levels at which funding sources should be specified: budget level, commitment level, invoice level, or all. Furthermore, you can tighten or loosen restrictions by deciding whether or not commitments and actuals can exceed funding sources, how remaining funds should be allocated and whether or not settings can be overridden at the account level. Some settings can be edited at any time, but other are a one-time configuration that cannot be changed. For details on each option, see Funding Settings Page Overview.

To edit funding settings

  1. Go to the Funding Setup Options.
  2. For instructions, see Access Funding Setup Options.

  3. Click the Settings link.
  4. The Enable Advanced Funding page is displayed.

  5. Click Edit.
  6. Select the check box next to the funding options you want to enable/disable.
  7. For a description of each funding setting, see Funding Settings.

    • Budgets:
      • Enable Funding on Budgets: Select to enforce the selection of funding sources when budget line items are added.
    • Commitments:
      • Enable Funding on Commitments: Select to enforce the selection of funding sources when commitments line items are added.
      • Do Not Allow Committed Amounts to Exceed Funding Source Amounts: Select to trigger a violation message when a proposed commitment will exceed the funds available in the selected funding sources. This will prevent the commitment from being saved.
      • Commitment Funding Restrictions can be overridden at the Project Level: Select to allow users with Add/Edit Commit permission to override these restrictions at the project level.
    • Actual Costs:
      • Enable Funding on Actual Costs: When funding is enabled, this setting is enabled by default and cannot be altered. A funding source must always be determined when entering actual costs into the system.
      • Do Not Allow Actual Costs to ExceedFunding Source Amounts: Select to trigger a violation message when a proposed invoice will exceed the funds available in the selected funding sources. This will prevent the invoice from being saved.
      • Actuals Funding Restrictions can be overridden at the Project Level: Select to allow users with Add/Edit Actuals permission to override these restrictions at the project level.
  8. Auto Allocate Funding Remainder:
    • Auto Allocate Remaining Funding: Distribute Remaining Funding to Last Funding Source: When the funding distribution feature is used to distribute funds from funding sources, there may be an amount that remains due to rounding. When this check box is selected, the remaining funds will automatically be added to the last funding source listed. Otherwise, this amount will have to be distributed manually.
  9. Click Save.