
The Currency page is available only after multi currency has been enabled for the account.

Set up account currency and time zone

When accessing the Currency page for the first time, admin users must set up the account's primary currency and time zone before adding new currencies or exchange rates.

Manage Currencies

You can add any ISO 4217 currency to the account.

Once you add a currency, it defaults to active. Active currency is available to be added to a Project as its Project Currency.

A currency will be marked as In Use when it has been used as a project currency in at least one project.

After adding your currencies, you can import the exchange rates.

Manage Exchange Rates

e-Builder admins can load currencies with exchange rates that align to their Treasury and/or Finance department requirements. They can use the import wizard to import these rates. They can manually enter a rate for each currency. Or they can use the Scheduled Tasks to import a report of approved exchange rates. To set up a scheduled task, please contact your account manager.