Cost Summary Layouts
Cost summary layouts help you determine the columns that display on the Project Cost Summary page in the user interface. By default, all available cost summary columns display. Custom layouts benefit users by allowing them to view only the information that is pertinent to them with the option of viewing additional information when necessary. Consolidating this information facilitates reporting, viewing, and tracking. Multiple layouts can be created to serve different purposes. Once a layout is created, it becomes the default display. If multiple layouts exist on the account, a Layout drop-down arrow appears in the user interface for users to choose from.

From this section of the setup you are able to manage cost summary layouts by creating new ones, editing existing ones or deleting unwanted layouts. Columns can be color coded with thresholds set to provide users with a visual indication of what the data columns represent. You can customize the layout to show only those columns that are most often used. For example, a cost summary layout can be created showing only the "Commitment" columns, in which "Budget" and "Actuals" columns are hidden.
The following topics are included in this section: