Color Code Cost Summary Layouts

Color coding can help specific sets of information stand out at a glance. If there are information sets that are more important to a user than others, color coding those columns helps users quickly and easily identify this information.

To set color codes only and not thresholds ensure that the Enable Threshold check box for each specific column is clear. For more information on setting thresholds, see Set Cost Summary Threshold Values.

To set color codes for cost summary layouts

  1. Go to the Manage Cost Code Summary page.
  2. For more information, see Access Manage Cost Code Summary Page.

  3. Click the Color Codes link located left of the Layout name.
  4. The Color Codes page is displayed.

  5. Select the check box next to the column(s) you wish to color code.
  6. The row must be checked to enable color coding.

  7. In the Apply To column, select Text or Background.
  8. Click the Low Range Color drop-down list and choose a color for that column.
  9. To continue coding for all columns - those that are not in the selected layout - click the Show all columns check box located toward the top of the page, and then repeat steps 3-5.
  10. Click Save.
  11. If you'd like to add threshold values, see Set Cost Summary Threshold Values.