Attach Documents to Submittal Items

You are able to attach files to a submittal item as long it is in your court. Once the item is sent off to another resource, you will not be able to add or edit attachment, but you will still be able to view any files that might be attached to the item.

To attach documents to a submittal item

  1. Open the Submittal Item Details page.
  2. Click the Documents tab, and then Attach Documents.
  3. The Attach Documents dialog box appears.

  4. In the Select Attachment Method section, select your method of attachment.
  5. Click Browse For Files...
  6. Search for and select the file you want to attach.
  7. If you are attaching files from Trimble Unity Construct, go to step 9.
  8. —Or—

    If you are uploading files from your computer, in the Select an e-Builder Destination folder field, click Browse.

    Selecting a destination folder is only applicable if a default folder is not already assigned.

  9. Search for and select the Trimble Unity Construct destination folder.
  10. Click Attach Selected.
  11. If document custom fields are enabled on the account, the Document Custom Fields page is displayed. Complete all necessary fields, and then click Close.
  12. Optionally, you can take any of the following actions:
    • Click the Download link to download the file.
    • For PDF and image files, click the Redline link to mark up the file.
    • For PDF documents, click the Stamp link to add a stamp to the file.

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