Send Items to another Subcontractor

Only licensed e-Builder subcontractors are able to send items to another subcontractor.

You may need to send items to another sub for a second opinion or to solicit additional information. When the recipient replies, the message will be sent directly to you. A log of this action will be captured on the submittal item history tab. Additionally, the recipient's name or email address (for external subcontractors) will be added to the Held By column on the Submittal Register page, indicating that the item is currently in their court as well. When they reply, their name will be removed from this column, but will remain on the list of reviewers.

To send an item to another subcontractor

  1. Go to the Submittal Register page. For access instructions, see Access Submittals.
  2. Select the check box next to the item(s) you want to send to sub.
  3. Click Send to Sub.
  4. The Send Items to Sub page displays.

  5. Complete all necessary fields.
  6. Click Send to Sub.

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