Add Commitment Changes

Once a commitment has been approved, additional funds/line items cannot be added to it, and a commitment change is required to edit the commitment. If the change is deleted before being approved, additional items added to it will also be removed from the commitment. However, if the commitment change is approved, additional items become part of the commitment and will always be linked to the commitment.

To add a commitment change

  1. Go to the Commitment Details page.
  2. For more information, see Access the Commitment Details Page.

  3. Click the Commitment Changes tab.
  4. Click Add Change.
  5. The Add Change Details page is displayed.

  6. Enter all required fields.
  7. For detailed information about the fields and buttons on this page, see Add/Edit Change Details Page Overview.

    Commitment changes can be added and saved with or without line items during the first instance of adding the change. Commitment items can be added to the commitment change at a later time via editing the commitment change, it's up to you.

  8. Click Save and Add All Items to add all commitment items to the change. You are prompted for confirmation. Click Continue. Add Commitment Change Item page is displayed.
  9. —Or—

    Click Save and Add Items One at a Time to choose the commitment items to add to the change. The Add Commitment Change Item page is displayed.

  10. If you choose to add commitment line items at another time, click Cancel.
  11. The Commitment change is saved as a draft and you can add items to it at a later time by editing the commitment change.


    To continue with this process, enter all required fields. For detailed information about the fields and buttons on this page, see Add/Edit Commitment Change Item Page Overview.

  12. Click Save or Save & Add New.