Add/ Edit Change Details Page

This page allows you to add/edit commitment changes.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Save and Add All Line Items: Click to save changes and apply this commitment change to all commitment items.
  • Save and Add Items One at a Time: Click to save changes and apply this commitment change to specific commitment items.
  • Save: Displays in Edit mode. Click to save changes.
  • Cancel: Click to cancel commitment change modifications and return to the Commitment Details page. All unsaved changes will be lost.
  • Project Name: Displays the project name by default.
  • Commitment: Displays the name of the commitment.
  • Commitment Change Number: If the auto-fill feature is enabled in cost controls the commitment number displays by default; otherwise, you must enter a budget change number in this field.
  • Status: Displays the status of the budget change.
  • Date of Change: If you are adding a new commitment change, the present date displays by default; click the calendar icon to choose a different date. When editing the commitment change, the date of change displays, but can also be modified.
  • Reason Code: Click to select a commitment change reason code. These codes are configured by account administrators; see Working with Change Reason Codes.
    • (Changes): When applied, the change amount is applied to the current commitment amount, which includes all approved changes. This amount will be reflected in the Current Commitment column.
    • (Original): If this code is applied, the change will apply to the original commitment amount, which does not include any approved changes. This change amount will be reflected in the Original Commitment'
  • Description: Enter a description for the budget change in this field.
  • Custom Fields: If budget change custom fields are available for your account, they display here. Custom fields are entered by the account administrator; for more information, see Cost Custom Fields.