Add/ Edit Commitment Change Item Page

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Save & Add New: Click to save the change item and add another.
  • Save: Click to save the change item.
  • Cancel: Click to cancel any changes you may have made. All unsaved changes will be lost.
  • Project Name: This field displays the project name by default.
  • Commitment Change Item Number: If the auto-fill feature is enabled in cost controls the change item number displays by default; otherwise, you must enter a commitment change number in this field.
  • Description: Enter a description for the commitment change item in this field.
  • Please choose:
    • Select Existing Commitment Item: Select this radio button to add this change item to an existing commitment. Click the drop-down arrow to make a selection.
    • Create New Commitment Item: Select this radio button to add this change item to a new commitment. Click the drop-down arrow to make a selection. This function gives you the opportunity to create a new commitment item. Upon saving, the additional item is added to both the commitment change and to its associated commitment.
      When creating a new commitment item, these additional fields display; a description of each is below:
      • Retainage Percent
      • Funding Rule
      • Current Budget
      • Remaining to be Committed
  • Retainage Percent: This field only displays if you choose to create a new commitment item. The percent defaults to the retainage percent of the commitment, but you can edit it if you choose.
  • Funding Rule: If funding is enabled on the budget level, this field displays only after the associated budget line item is selected. This field defaults to the funding rule selected for the budget line item. Click the drop-down arrow to choose a different funding rule, or click the Edit link to customize a funding rule.
  • Change Amount: Enter the commitment change amount in this field.
  • Current Budget: This field only displays if you choose to create a new commitment item. The current budget is the approved original budget and all approved budget changes.
  • Remaining to be Committed: This field only displays if you choose to create a new commitment item. The is the amount that is left to be committed. Use this amount to determine how much are available to support the change amount.
  • Project Number: If available, the project number displays in this field.
  • Commitment Change Number: If the auto-fill feature is enabled in cost controls, the budget number displays by default; otherwise, you must enter a budget change number in this field.
  • Current Commitment Amount: When an existing commitment is selected, its commitment amount displays in this field.