About Equipment Items

Equipment Manager is an account attribute that must be enabled by e-Builder Technical Support. To request access, please contact e-Builder Support.

With a large percentage of project costs allocated to furnishings and equipment - for example, up to 40% in medical facilities - it is important to be able to manage these expenses in detail. Equipment Manager allows owners to keep track of the costs associated with items that have been purchased by the owner and installed by either the owner or a contracting company. In this way, owners are aware of exactly what has been purchased, installed and which items are still in inventory, so you know exactly how much money has actually been spent on the project.

Optionally, you can incorporate equipment costs into the overall budget and expense process by tying equipment purchases to your commitments. This will give you an accurate representation of project costs and make the purchasing process more cohesive and better organized.

The following topics will assist you when working with equipment items: