Submittal Package

The Submittal Package page lists all available submittal packages and high-level details for each package.

Submittal Packages are used to group related Submittal Items that move through the review process together and serves as a convenient mechanism to apply actions in bulk to all of the Submittal Items within the package. However, sometimes during the review process, it becomes apparent that certain items within a package require different reviewers or longer review periods. E-Builder provides the flexibility to handle each submittal item separately if necessary.

When the View draft submittals account-level setting is enabled, all team members who have the View Submittals permission will be able to see Submittal Packages that are in Draft status.

The columns included in the table of Submittal Packages on this page may vary if the account administrator has established custom submittal package layouts through the Setup Module.

The following actions can be taken from this page:

General Contractor Tasks:

Subcontractor Tasks: