Submit Packages to GC

Subcontractors can optionally create submittal packages, and then submit to the GC.

To submit submittal packages to a GC

  1. Go to the Submittal Packages page. For access instructions, see Access Submittals.
  2. Select the check box next to the packages you want to submit to the GC.
  3. Click Submit to GC.
  4. The Submit to GC dialog box displays.

    For a description of the fields on this page, see Submit to GC.

  5. Enter all necessary fields.
  6. The General Contractor drop-down list will contain a list of individuals for selection to receive the submittal item. If no names appear in the list, then the GC or project administrator needs to identify the GC role that will manage submittals in the project submittal settings page.

  7. Click Submit to GC.