Review/Approve Time Sheets

The route that time sheets take for review and approval are based on the workflow assigned to the role/user that is submitting the time sheet. You must be an actor on the review step of the workflow to take action on the time sheet, i.e. review/approve/reject the time sheet.

To review time sheets

  1. Click the Time Tracking tab from the Top Navigation menu.
  2. From the Employee Time Sheets tab, filter for the time sheets you wish to review. By default, all time sheets in your court will appear in the table toward the bottom of this page.
  3. Click the Time Sheet Dates link for the one you wish to review.
  4. The Time Sheet for (User) page displays.

  5. Optional: You can:
  6. Review the time sheet and then take an action by choosing an option from the Please select an action drop-down menu located in the upper right corner of the page.
  7. Depending on Workflow Details, choosing an action (step 6) may automatically route the process to the next step.

  8. If necessary, click Take Action.
  9. The Time Sheet is routed to the next step in the process.

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