Manage Time Tracking Permissions

Different permissions are required to perform various tasks related to time tracking. Below are instructions for setting time tracking permissions. For more information on each permission, see Manage Permissions Page Overview.

To set time tracking permissions

  1. Go to User Settings.
  2. Click Manage Permissions.
  3. The Manage Permissions page is displayed.

  4. Click the Time Tracking tab and adjust user permissions as necessary.
    • Create Time Sheets: Select to give users the ability to submit time sheets.
    • Manage Workflow: Select to give users the ability to create time sheet workflows.
    • Manage Account Bill Rates: Select to give users the ability to manage account level bill rates.
    • Manage Project Bill Rates: Select to give users the ability to manage project level bill rates.
    • View Payout: Select to give users the ability to view payout amounts on their time sheets.
  5. Click Save.

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