Edit Submittal Details

A submittal item's details can be edited only if it has not already been sent to a submittal coordinator for review.

General contractors or anyone with add/ edit submittal permissions have the ability to make changes to the details of a submittal item except for target and actual dates, unless the account administrator has enabled this feature on the Submittal Settings page in the Setup module. See Allow Editing of System-Generated Dates for more detail.

To edit the details of a submittal item

  1. Go to the Submittal Register page. For access instructions, see Access Submittals.
  2. Click the title of the item you want to edit. The Submittal Item Details page is displayed.
  3. Click Edit. The Edit Submittal Item page is displayed.
  4. Modify the values in the following editable fields as required:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Spec Section
    • Category
    • Responsible Sub/ Manufacturer
    • Priority
    • Sub Section
    • Commitment
  5. Click Save.

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