Allow Editing of System-Generated Dates

e-Builder automatically tracks and keeps a log of all user interactions within the system. A record of every transaction is captured and ultimately, reports can be generated based on this data. By default, the Allow System Generated Submittal Dates to be Modified option is not selected. Enabling this feature allow users with Add/Edit Submittal permissions to modify the dates items were submitted for review, as well as review completion dates. Although this setting allows date changes, a history of these changes are also tracked in e-Builder. The date changes were made and by whom can still be obtained through history logs and reporting. You may want to allow the modification of system generated dates if the submittal approvals and updates occur outside of e-Builder. In such a case, updates are manually entered by an e-Builder user.

To allow system generated submittal dates to be modified

  1. Open Submittal Settings.
  2. Expand Submittal Options.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the System Generated Dates field, select the Allow System Generated Submittal Dates to be Modified check box.
  5. Click Save.