Mark Reviews Complete

Once you have completed your review of the item by adding comments, replying, and/ or attaching documents, you must mark your review complete. Doing so will remove your name from the "Held By" field on the Submittal Register page and the item will no longer be in your court. An email will be sent to the person who forwarded the item to you - this might be the submittal coordinator or another reviewer.

To mark your review complete

  1. Open the Submittal Item Details page.
  2. Click Review Complete. The Review Complete Submittal Items window appears.
  3. Enter your comments.
  4. If this option is available to you, select or clear the Private check box to make your comment either private or public.

    The Private Comments feature can be enabled by account administrators. This feature allows only users in select roles to view and add private comments. For more information, see Manage Private Comments..

  5. Click Review Complete.

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