Private Comments

The Manage Private Comments - Submittals page allows you to select the roles that are able to view and add private comments. When private comments are enabled, only the roles in the defined list will be able to view and make comments private.
In order to disable Private comments for the Submittals module, you must remove any roles from the Selected Roles section on the Manage Private Comments - Submittals page.

If the Changes Private comments to Public (visible) when shown in review setting is enabled on the Submittal Settings page, 'Private' comments are automatically changed to 'Public' when they are shown in review.

To enable private commenting

  1. Open Submittal Settings.
  2. Expand Submittal Options.
  3. Click Private Comments. The Manage Private Comments - Submittals window displays.
  4. In the Manage Private Comments area, from the All Roles section, select the role(s) that can view/ add private comments. Click the right directional arrow to add the role(s) to the Selected Roles section.
  5. Select the Set comments to 'Private' by default check box to automatically make comments entered by the selected roles private. Only users in the selected roles will be able to see these comments.
  6. —Or—

    Clear this check box to allow their comments to be public by default and give them the opportunity to make the comments private on a case-by-case basis.

  7. Click Save.
    Click Cancel to discard changes and return to the main Setup page.