Add or Edit Forecast Page

The Add/ Edit Forecast page allows you to create a new forecast or modify an existing draft. A detailed description of the fields and buttons located on this page is provided in the table below.

When accessing Forecasts for the first time there are no forecasts created. By default the Forecasted Over/ Under is calculated as 0 for each budget line item and the Estimate At Completion is equal to the approved budget because your approved budget is your forecast.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Save Draft: Click this button to save your work but not finalize (or publish) the forecast.
  • Save Final: Click this button to publish the forecast. Final forecasts become the current forecast on the Forecasting page. Current forecast data is reflected on the project's cost summary (considering these columns are included in the Cost Summary layout; for more information on customizing cost summary layouts, see Add Cost Summary Layouts) and reports, and will be available for others to view.
  • Cancel: Click this button to cancel any edits you've made. All unsaved changes will be lost.