Forecasting Settings Page

The Forecasting Settings page displays after Forecasting has been enabled on the account by an e-Builder Support staff member. To request access to this feature, please contact e-Builder Support at or 1-888-288-5717.

Refer to Forecasting in cost to learn how to facilitate the forecasting process in e-Builder once it is enabled.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Disable: Click this button to disable the Forecasting toolset. Once forecasting data has been entered into the system, Forecasting cannot be disabled.
  • Save: Click this button to save changes.
  • Forecasting: This field displays the status of the forecasting feature, either enabled or disabled.
  • Calculate Forecasted Over/(Under) Using: Click this drop-down arrow to make a choice on what the forecasted budget should be based on, either the current budget or projected budget. A description of each is provided below:
    • Current Budget: This is the approved original budget and all approved budget changes.
    • Projected Budget: This total includes the original budget amount plus all pending, projected, and approved budget changes.
  • Forecasting Method: Click this drop-down arrow to make a choice on the method of forecasting. A description of each option is listed below:
    • Detailed and Adjustments: This is the default option. This method of forecasting allows you to switch back and forth between both modes while forecasting, giving you the option to view the forecast differently at any giving time.
    • Detailed Only: For each budget line item, a list of forecasted commitments is recorded. Each item represents a future commitment that is not represented as a commitment or commitment change within the cost module. In addition to the description, assumption and forecast amounts there are check boxes for each forecast item that indicates whether or not the item is captured in the budget or in commitments.
    • Adjustment Only: This option only allows users to work with forecasts in the adjustment mode. Each time the forecast is updated in adjustment mode, the cost manager is evaluating, on a budget line item basis, the unallocated against the amount of work left on the job and adjusting the reserve up or down as necessary.
  • Hide Current Commitments: Select this check box to hide current commitments from the forecast. This feature allows you to customize the view and use of the forecast to better suit your needs.
  • Hide Actuals Approved: Select this check box to hide approved invoices from the forecast. This feature allows you to customize the view and use of the forecast to better suit your needs.
  • Forecasting Instructions: Enter instructional text for your users in this field. This is an opportunity to explain how to use forecasting. If this field is left blank it will not appear in the user interface.

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