Add Page Layouts

Page layouts allow you to customize the data fields that display for each actor or non-actor in the process. For instance, you may want cost data field to visible to the management team, but not the architect. Page layouts let you decide which data fields are available for each actor in the process.

Data fields will display in the order that they are saved.

To add page layouts

  1. Go to the Page Layouts tab.
  2. For more information, see Access Page Layouts Tab.

  3. Click Add Layout.
  4. The Layout Properties page is displayed.

  5. Enter the name of the layout in the Layout Name field.
  6. Select whether this is a default non-actor or default actor layout by clicking the Default Process Non-Actor Layout or Default Process Actor Layout check box.
  7. Page layouts can be assigned to steps and workflows and not just processes. If a layout is set to be the default for a process that means that every step will inherit that default layout if no layout is assigned to the workflow or step(s). This allows you to quickly set up a process without requiring you to save a layout to each step (or workflow). If there is no default layout assigned to a process the system checks the workflow layout default setting. If a default is set for the workflow layout, the step layout is used.

  8. Click Save.
  9. The Edit Layout page is displayed.

  10. Select the data fields on the right side of the page and drag into the Data section.
  11. Edit Page Layout
  12. You can perform one or more of the following actions on this page, depending upon the type of process:
  13. Click Save.

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