Add Action Page
An Action allows the data entry step to be completed. It is the mechanism that moves the process between steps; therefore, at least one action must be defined for each data entry step. Connectors are used to attach actions from one step to another.
For instructions, see Add Actions.

The fields and buttons on this page are:
- Name: Enter the name of the action as it will display in the workflow designer.
- Display Name: Enter the name of the action as it will display in the user interface; maximum 15 characters.
- Set Status To: Click this drop-down arrow to choose what the default status of the process will be when this action is taken. If the process does not have cost module integration then the standard choices are:
- Leave Status Unchanged
- Approved
- Paid
- Pending
- Projected
- Received
- Rejected
- Submitted
- Void
If the process is integrated with a cost item then the status choices reflect the statuses of that cost item. For example, if a commitment change item is associated with the process then the Set Status To options change to:
- Draft
- Approved
- Pending
- Projected
For cost items, the Approval Requested check box is displayed. If selected, an approval will be requested before the step can be completed. This setting is beneficial if there is a step or series of steps that is routed for approval.
- Causes Field Validation?: Select this check box to enforce required fields. This check box is selected by default and enables data field validation on any type of process. This setting only applies to data fields and objects custom fields.
- Causes Cost Control Validation: This check box is displayed only when a status other than Approved, Paid or Received is selected from the Set Status To drop-down menu. Select this check box to enforce cost control validation on draft, pending and projected status items. If multi-currency is enabled and the action is approving non-zero budget change line items, it will check whether exchange rates have been configured correctly.
- Use Current Date For Approval / Paid Date?: If multi-currency is enabled, this check box is displayed when the status is set to Approved. Selecting this check box will use the exchange rate based on the budget change setting. Essentially, when approving a budget change, it hides the ability to select an Approval Date and uses the current exchange rate of the date when they click Approve. No backdating will be allowed.
- Require Password?: Select this check box to require users to enter their password when taking this action.
- Require eSignature(s)?: Select this check box to require users to sign a document when taking action.
- Show Confirmation?: Select this check box to display a confirmation message asking users if they are sure they want to proceed with the action. An text box displays for you to optionally add an additional message or instructions. Based on the process, critical actions or data fields may be entered and it can be beneficial for users to think twice before submitting data or proceeding with the action.
- Add Comments?: Select this check box to prompt the actor to enter a comment. A good scenario would be if the step requires an approval and if the action taken is "Revise" and you want to force the actor to enter a comment as to why he/ she rejected the item and is routing back to the initiator to revise it. If selected, a dialog box appears as the action is taken to prompt the actor to enter a comment. The Require Comment check box also displays when this check box is selected giving you the option to make the comment field required.
- Notify: Process Initiator - Select this check box to send notifications to the process initiator when this action is taken. In the Available Roles section, select the roles you want to receive an email notification as the action is taken. Click Add. The selected roles display in the adjacent Selected Roles box.
- Add Actors To Next Step:
- Allow user to add actors to the next step: Click this check box to allow the actor to select additional actors for the next step. This setting allows a bit of flexibility in an otherwise structured flow. You may set this if you do not know if there are additional actors. Over time you can identify trends in routing and change it to be structured later. When this check box is selected, the following additional fields will be displayed:
All Users: Select this option to allow the user to add any user as an actor on the next step.
- Selected Roles: Select this option to choose specific roles from which users can be added to the next step.
When configured for eSignature workflows, project members from the Selected Roles list can be chosen to be the actor on the eSignature step. These project members are added to the DocuSign Recipients list. Document preparers will then be able to select the project members from the Recipient list and tag the document where they need to sign.
Require that at least one actor must be selected: Select this check box to ensure that at least one actor is selected for the next step.
- Include actors that took action from previous step on the next step: Select this check box to include on the next step the actors who took action(s) prior to this step (they need not be immediately prior). If the last step had a majority for the action, the "last actor" would be all actors that contributed to the action. The "last actor" is defined as the last person to take a human action. Also, note that conditional branching and spawn steps will be ignored in regressing through the action. If a workflow is configured to go back to a step for which an actor took action, and that step had more than one potential actor, the system will only notify the actor who took action, not all of the actors. The feedback or clarification should only go to that one person.
Even if a step does not have actors selected, a workflow can be valid with this setting alone. It suffices as a selection of actors.
- Allow user to add actors to the next step: Click this check box to allow the actor to select additional actors for the next step. This setting allows a bit of flexibility in an otherwise structured flow. You may set this if you do not know if there are additional actors. Over time you can identify trends in routing and change it to be structured later. When this check box is selected, the following additional fields will be displayed:
- Give Review and Comment Access:
- Allow user to give other users access to review and comment on the process: Select this check box to choose users to provide access for comment and review.
- Allow user to request external comment: Select this check box to give users in the workflow the permission to solicit comments from external actors. Although external users cannot take action on a step, allowing them to add comments is great way to capture information. Note that external comments cannot be requested when using workflow offline.
- # of Actors to Complete Action: To set a standard for the number of actors that are required to complete an action, select one of the available options:
- One Actor
- Majority
- All Actors
- Add Assignment: Click this button to add data field assignments to the action. The Add Assignment dialog box displays to help you create and save field assignments. The up and down arrows to the left of the Add Assignment button allow you to change the order the data assignments will be executed.