Add Assignment Page

Data field assignments are a mechanism for auto-populating Admin-defined data taken from project details and exposing them into the process. The ability to do so eliminates the need to locate information that already exists elsewhere within e-Builder. Data assignments can be very simple, such as automatically inserting the current date and time into a process data field or the square footage for a budget approval process, to more complex information that may include formulas, such as the sum of the current contract value on a commitment and the change amount.

Setting up these data fields is optional, but they can reduce the time it takes users to fill-out data fields and provide necessary information they need without having to search through the system, such as the original commitment value in a change order process.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on the Add Assignment page are:

  • Assign to Field: Click this drop-down arrow to select the data field you want to assign expressions to. Note that the Assign to field can contain varying selections depending on fields configured. Typically, at a minimum it will contain three sections: Data Fields, Project Fields, Project Custom Fields and if configured, Process Custom Fields, Budget, Budget Change, Commitment, Commitment Change, and Actual Cost Custom Fields as well.
  • Select Field: The selections in this drop-down arrow will also vary depending on the fields configured. Moreover, if the workflow is for a cost-related process, it will contain many more fields, specific to cost.
  • Insert: There are two Insert buttons located on this page. The first, from left to right allows you to add the selections from the Assign to Field and Select Field into the Assignment Expression box.
  • The second allows you to insert the selected function into the Assignment Expression box.
  • Operators: Operators are used to build formulas between data fields.
  • Assignment Expression: This box contains the expressions of the data field assignment as they are selected and inserted by the user. This is where finalized expressions go before saving the data assignment. If there is an error with the expression, you will receive an error message and will not be able to save the expression until corrections are made.
  • Save: Click this button to save the data assignment. If the expression is invalid, an error message displays for you to make necessary corrections.
  • Cancel: Click this button to cancel the operation and close this dialog box.

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