Add Account Calendar Events

Account calendar events are available for everyone on the account to see. To add a project-specific calendar event, see Add Project Events.

If an All Calendar Events view has been created, you will be able to see all events when accessing the main Calendar page. From this Calendar view you are able to add events on an account level, so that everyone on the account is able to see it.

To add an account calendar event

  1. Click the Calendar tab located on the Top Navigation Tabs.
  2. Click the View drop-down arrow and select All Calendar Events.
  3. For more information on creating calendar views, see Calendar Views.

  4. Click Add Event.
  5. Enter the subject of the meeting in the Subject field.
  6. In the Date and Time fields, click the calendar icons to select a starting and ending date for the meeting.
  7. In the Date and Time fields, click the time drop-down arrows to select a starting and ending event time.
  8. For a single meeting, in the Repeats section, select the One Time radio button.
  9. —Or—

    For recurring meetings, in the Repeats section, select the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly radio button. For more information on the fields of the Add Event page, see Add Event Page Overview.

  10. Click Save.