Add/ Edit Event Page

The Add Event page is displayed when you click the Add Event button located on the Project Calendar page.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Project Calendar: By default this field displays the event type you've selected (account calendar event or project calendar event). Click the drop-down arrow to switch between calendar types or projects.
  • Subject: Enter the subject of the meeting in this field.
  • Meeting Type: Click the drop-down arrow to select a meeting type from the list. Meeting types can be edited in the Administration Tools section by your e-Builder administrator.
  • All Day Event?: Click this check box to make this an all day event. This will effectively remove the time drop-down arrows from the Date and Time field below it.
  • Date and Time: Click the calendar icons to select a start and ending date for the event. Click the time drop-down arrows to select a starting and ending time.
  • Repeats:
    • One Time Select this radio button if you are scheduling a onetime event.
    • Daily – Select this radio button if the event occurs daily.
    • Weekly Select this button if the event occurs on a weekly basis.
    • Monthly Select this button if the event occurs monthly.
  • Location: Click the drop-down arrow to select a meeting location. The adjacent field will automatically populate with the description if it was added in the location setup.
  • Agenda / Description: Enter the agenda or an event description.
  • Reminder: Click the drop-down arrow to select a reminder time.
  • Privacy: Select Private to grant only meeting attendees to ability to see this event. Select Public to make the event viewable by everyone on the project, even if not invited to the event.
  • Required Attendees: Enter the email address of all required attendees. Click Lookup to search for users and contacts that are already saved in e-Builder.
  • Optional Attendees: Enter the email address of all optional attendees. Click Lookup to search for users and contacts that are already saved in e-Builder.
  • Attendees Who Can Manage Meeting Minutes: Enter the email address of attendees that are able to manage meeting minutes.
  • Priority: Click this drop-down arrow to set an event priority. Select from High, Normal, and Low.
  • Custom Fields Tab: If applicable, click the Custom Fields tab to complete all custom fields.
  • Documents Tab: Click the Documents tab to attach documents to the event. Event participants have access to attached documents and are able to view, download and redline documents. From here you can also remove attached documents.
  • Forms Tab: Click the Forms tab to attach forms for participants to complete or view. From here you can also remove attached forms.
  • Processes Tab: Click the Processes tab to attach processes to the event as a form of reference. From here you can also remove attached processes.