Master Processes and Master Tasks

Master Processes

Master Processes are created to categorize and report on Master Tasks. Having master processes allows you to standardize the different types of tasks that might exist across all of your projects for reporting purposes. In some cases, only a single master process might be necessary. Project schedules use these processes to filter and view activities in the schedule that are linked to certain master tasks.

The Master Processes page allows you to add new master processes and make changes to existing ones. Master Processes are created to categorize and report on Master Tasks. Having master processes allow you to standardize the different types of tasks that might exist across all of your projects for reporting purposes. After creating a master process, you'll have to associate master tasks to it so that when schedule managers identify their summary tasks as one of these master tasks that you've created, the association would have already been established, which will strengthen the value of your reports.

The following topics will help you manage master processes:

Master Tasks

The terms master tasks and master activity are used synonymously in the user interface.

Master tasks are created by the account administrator and used to identify similar project phases that may be referred to by different names across multiple projects.

For example, one project might use the term, "closeout" and others may use "final completion", "project close out" or "closeout/ occupancy". The master task is a unique identifier that unifies all of these project phases so that account administrators and executives can report on the status of these phases across all projects. All master tasks have a numerical prefix that allows you to link similar project phases to one another.

From the View Master Process page you will be able to link master processes to master tasks so that when schedule managers identify their summary tasks as one of these master tasks, the association would have already been established, which will strengthen the value of your reports.