Edit Master Processes

Master processes can be modified by changing the process name, number, status or description.

You cannot delete any of the already defined master processes or master tasks that are in use. A process or task is in use if it is assigned to one or more schedule(s) in e-Builder. However, you do have the option of disabling the master process so as to prevent any new master tasks from being assigned to it.

To edit master processes

  1. Open Schedule settings.
  2. Click Master Processes/ Tasks. The Master Processes page is displayed.
  3. Click the Edit link next to the process you want to modify. The Edit Master Process page is displayed.
  4. Edit the fields as needed. Ensure that the required fields (marked with an *) are completed.
    • Process Name*: Enter a name for the master process.
    • Process Number*: Enter the process number. Master process numbers cannot be duplicated.
    • Status*: Select a status for the master task. By default, the Active radio button is selected, which will make the task available to users. Select the Disabled radio button to keep this task as a draft version that can be made active later on.
    • Description: Enter a description for the master task.
  5. Click Save to save the changes to the master process.
    Click Cancel to disregard changes. Any unsaved changes will be lost.

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