Add Master Process

Master processes are used to categorize and report on master tasks. This gives administrators the ability to report across projects by phases or tasks. Having master processes allows you to standardize the different types of tasks that might exist across all of your projects. In most cases, only a single master process is created. Project schedules use these processes to filter and view activities in the schedule that are linked to certain master tasks. After creating the master process, you will have to add master tasks to it.

To add master processes

  1. Open Schedule settings.
  2. Click Master Processes/ Tasks. The Master Processes page is displayed.
  3. Click Add. The Add Master Process page is displayed.
  4. Complete all necessary fields (marked with an *):
    • Process Name*: Enter a name for the master process.
    • Process Number*: Enter the process number. Master process numbers cannot be duplicated.
    • Status*: Select a status for the master task. By default, the Active radio button is selected, which will make the task available to users. Select disabled keep this task as a draft version that can be made active later on.
    • Description: Enter a description for the master task.
  5. Click Save to save the master process.
    Click Cancel to disregard changes. Unsaved changes will be lost.