Workflow Tab

The Main Workflow page lists all the created workflows. Each workflow can be assigned to one or more projects. You can filter on project assignments and add a new workflow. When a workflow is published, e-Builder automatically names the workflow the name of the process with a date and time stamp; however, you can assign it a different name, if you desire. A workflow can only be published when all business rules have been met, meaning if for example if all the routable steps are arranged so that all possible flows reach the finish step. If there are any errors during a publish attempt e-Builder will let you know by displaying warning messages.

From the Workflows tab you are able to design or edit your structured workflow process, and if you have a saved or auto-saved copy, you can open it from here and continue working on it. If your workflow is already published and in use, the Where Used button allows you to see every instance where this workflow is being used. From this tab you are also able to add escalation rules. Escalation rules are automated reminders for users to complete a past due task.

The following topics are included in this section: