Update Status of Multiple Items

Submittal statuses can only be updated by the submittal coordinator. When updating the status for multiple items, only one status can be selected.

To update the status of multiple submittal items

  1. Go to the Submittal Register page.
  2. For instructions on how to access the Submittal Register page, see Access Submittals.

  3. Select the check box next to the submittal items you want to update.
  4. Select only those items that will be updated with the same status.

  5. Click Update Status. The Update Status dialog box displays.
  6. Click the New Status drop-down arrow to select the status you want to update the items to.
  7. Enter a comment.
  8. If the option is available to you, select or clear the Private check box to make your comment either private or public.
  9. The Private Comments feature can be enabled by account administrators. This feature allows only users in select role to view and add private comments. For more information, see Manage Private Comments.

  10. Click Save.

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