Update Status of Individual Item

After reviews are returned to the submittal coordinator, he/ she will update the status of each item accordingly. You can update multiple statuses at a time, or each item individually, as outlined below.

You can continue your review (update status or send to contractor) even if a response is not received for your reviewers.

To update the status of an individual item

  1. Go to the Submittal Register page. For access instructions, see Access Submittals.
  2. Click the Status drop-down arrow next to the item you want to update.
  3. The Update Status dialog box appears.

  4. Enter a comment in the Comment field.
  5. If the option is available to you, select or clear the Private check box to make your comment either private or public.
  6. The Private Comments feature can be enabled by account administrators. This feature allows only users in select roles to view and add private comments.

  7. If the option is available to you, click Show all in Review to make these comments visible to the GC, otherwise all comments will be hidden from review.
    • If the Hide Comment and Attachments feature is enabled on your account, by default, all the comments made between yourself and reviewers will be hidden from the GC when items are sent for review. However, you can make all comments visible by clicking the Show all in Review button or make individual comments visible by clicking the "Show" link next to that comment.
    • If a note is marked private, but shown in review, the GC will only be able to see it if they are in a role that allows them to view private comments. Administrators can learn more about these settings by going to Submittal Settings.
  8. Click Save.