Submit Your Bid Response

After reviewing the bid package invitation, use the Response Form tab to submit your bid response.

To submit your bid

  1. Access the bid package.
  2. Click the Response Form tab.
  3. On the Step 1: Bid Form tab, enter your pricing on the bid form line items.
  4. Ensure that you provide pricing at the level of detail required by the bid manager. Some line items may be lump sum, and others may require quantities and unit prices.

    - If there are areas that do not pertain to your trade, enter a zero (0) value in that line.
    - The Summary box at the top of the page maintains a running total of your entries for reference.

  5. Click Save icon (Save) and ensure that your work is saved periodically.

    (Optional) To export the bid items to a spreadsheet that you can customize or that you can share with your team, click Download bid icon (Download). After updating the spreadsheet, click Upload icon(Upload) to re-import it.

  6. On the STEP 2: Response Documents tab, click Attach Documents, and upload any supporting document needed to support your bid. Any Bid Submission custom fields that have been setup for your account will also be displayed here.
    All uploaded documents will be displayed in a table at the bottom of the tab for you to review.
  7. On the STEP 3: Additional Required Info tab, complete any additional questions or qualification statements that have been established by the bid manager. When available, the custom fields set up for your account will be displayed on this tab. If any addenda have been issued, you are required to acknowledge receipt of the addenda on this page before submitting your bid.
  8. Review the entire Response Form and click Submit.
  9. When prompted, enter your e-Builder portal password and click Submit Bid.
  10. The date and time that you submitted your bid is stamped on your Response Form. You will also receive an email confirmation.