Start a New Bluebeam Studio Session
You can start and configure a new Bluebeam Studio session from within e-Builder.
Upon clicking the Bluebeam Studio link from the Documents module or Attached Documents tab you will open the Bluebeam Studio Integration page. From this page, you can start a new session from the New Session tab or update an existing session on the My Sessions tab.
- For the Bluebeam integration to work successfully, the PDF files must first be added to the e-Builder documents module first and then added to the Studio session using the integration. Files added directly to the Studio session outside of the integration will not be versioned back into e-Builder.
- All PDFs must be added to e-Builder first – For the integration to work successfully, the file must first be added to the e-Builder Documents module and then added to the Studio session using the integration. Files added directly to the Studio session outside of the integration will not be versioned back into e-Builder.
For more information on Studio Session options and permissions, please see the Bluebeam help topic - Defining Access and Permissions in Studio Sessions.
- Open the Bluebeam Studio Integration page. The New Session tab displays by default.
- Complete the following fields (the required fields are marked with an *):
- Session Name*: Enter a name for this session. The name does not have to be unique.
- Session Permissions: Select the check boxes to apply the desired permission to all attendees or uncheck them to remove those permissions from the attendees by default.
- Restrict Attendees by E-mail Address: Select this check box to restrict access to the session by email address. You will have the opportunity to add allowed attendees on the next screen, or you can do it after the session has been created. To allow any user with the Session ID to join the session, uncheck this option.
- Session Expires: Enter or select the desired expiration date and time for the session. Expiration dates must be in the future; Revu will not allow a back-dated expiration date.
- In the Add Files from e-Builder section, click Browse for Files to browse for and select at least one PDF file to be added to the session.
Files added to the session will be flagged as Checked Out by the user starting the session. The files selected must not be already checked out by another user. When the session is completed, the files will be checked in and versioned.
To add additional files to the session, click Browse for Files. To remove a file from the list, select the file and click Remove Files.
- Click Start Session. The Bluebeam Studio Integration popup window displays with the session details.
- Click the Session ID link to open the Bluebeam Revu session.
- Open the Bluebeam Studio Integration page. The New Session tab displays by default.
- Click the My Sessions tab.
- Use the following Filter Sessions fields to filter the sessions:
- Status: Select a status to filter the sessions by from the drop-down list.
- Contains Text: Enter text to filter the sessions by.
- From the filter results, click the session ID link to view the session details.
- Make the necessary changes and click Save.