Start a New Bluebeam Studio Session

You can start and configure a new Bluebeam Studio session from within e-Builder.

Upon clicking the Bluebeam Studio link from the Documents module or Attached Documents tab you will open the Bluebeam Studio Integration page. From this page, you can start a new session from the New Session tab or update an existing session on the My Sessions tab.

  • For the Bluebeam integration to work successfully, the PDF files must first be added to the e-Builder documents module first and then added to the Studio session using the integration. Files added directly to the Studio session outside of the integration will not be versioned back into e-Builder.
  • All PDFs must be added to e-Builder first – For the integration to work successfully, the file must first be added to the e-Builder Documents module and then added to the Studio session using the integration. Files added directly to the Studio session outside of the integration will not be versioned back into e-Builder.


For more information on Studio Session options and permissions, please see the Bluebeam help topic - Defining Access and Permissions in Studio Sessions.