Show/ Hide Comments from Review

This task is only applicable to submittal coordinators who are working in an account where the Hide Comment and Attachments setting is enabled. When this setting is enabled, comments and files attached to comments are hidden from the GC by default when sent for review. However, you have the option to show these comments and their associated attachments in bulk or individually.

If the Changes Private comments to Public (visible) when shown in review setting is turned on and if the Submittal Coordinator enables the shown in review setting, private comments will be switched to public comments.

To show/ hide comments

  1. Open the Submittal Item Details page.
  2. To show/ hide comments, click the Comments tab.
  3. To show all comments in review, click Show all in Review.
  4. —Or—

    To show/ hide comments individually, click the Show or Hide link next to each comment, respectively.

  5. Click Update Status.

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