Manage Activities Page

Use this page to manage the activities your project participants will submit time sheets for. From here you can make changes, remove existing and add new activities. If you have Cost Integration enabled, you can also modify the account codes that billable activities will be tracked against.

If you are effectively managing resource time, it is important to include all possible activities for resources to utilized while submitting their time sheets. For example, if your organization has activities you want to count in project costs and other that you do not (e.g., reviewing design drawings and holidays), set the Holiday as Non Billable and Review Design Drawings as Billable and associate it with an account code that maps to the appropriate budget line item for that task.

The following tasks will assist you with managing activities:

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Name: Enter the name of the new activity you wish to add.
  • Non-billable Activity: Select to make this a non-billable activity. These activities are not integrated with cost and cannot be invoiced. Rather, non-billable activities allow you to track resource hours and report on them.
  • Account Code: This field will only appear if time tracking is integrated with cost. This setting allows you to choose the account code/budget line item that is invoiced when the activity is selected and time is entered. The Commitments and Commitment Line Items associated with this account code are displayed on the Time Sheet for selection by the person submitting the time sheet. Payout calculations are based on the resource's bill rate.
  • Description: Optionally enter the description of the new activity you are adding.
  • Add: After you've entered the name and description for the activity, click Add to save it to the account.
  • Clear: Click to erase any of the field entries in the Name or Description fields.
  • Delete: Click to delete any activities that have their check boxes selected.