Import Budget Template Line Items

This is task 2 of 2 in adding a budget template. You must complete the procedure below after you've added the details of the budget template.

Budget templates allow account administrators to specify the line items to be used in the various projects types available throughout the program. For example, larger projects may require a line item for Consulting Fees and another, smaller project, may not. Establishing budget templates allow you to set up these templates ahead of time for use by the project or budget managers.

To import budget template line items

    1.Go to the Budget Templates page.

    For more instructions, see Access Budget Templates Page.

    2.Click the name of the template you want to import line items for.

    The Edit Budget Template page is displayed.

    3.Click Import.

    4.Click Browse. Search for and select the .xls file to attach.

    Only Microsoft Excel® 97-2003 (.xls) files are supported.

    5.Click Next. The Import Line Items for [Template Name] Field Mappings page is displayed.

    6.Enter all required fields.

    For a detailed description of the fields located on this page, see Import Line Items - Field Mappings Page Overview.

    7.Click Next. The Import Line Items Review page is displayed with a preview of the import file. All exceptions display on the Exceptions tab for you to see any errors that may have occurred during import.

    8.If the import was successful, click Save.


    If there are exceptions that need to be addressed, make corrections on the import file and repeat this procedure.