Forward Items to Other Reviewers

Only e-Builder-licensed reviewers are able to forward items to other reviewers. External reviewers (those that do not have an e-Builder license) are not able to do so.

There are two types of forwards. You can forward to simply notify the recipient of the item or require action from them. Notifying is simply an FYI because the item is not placed in their court. Requiring action places the item in the recipient's court.

When an item is forwarded, it is effectively in the recipients courts and their name(s) or email addresses (external reviewers) will appear in the "Held By" column on the Submittal Register page. When recipients reply or mark their review complete, their name will be removed from this column. Also, all replies are sent to the person who forwarded the item, not necessarily to the submittal coordinator. For example, if a design consultant forwards the item to an external consultant for additional information, when the external party replies, the message will be sent to the design consultant.

Until reviewers reply or mark their review complete, they have ownership of the item. Furthermore, a list of all reviewers is displayed by clicking the "Reviewers" link on the Submittal Register page. The reviewers table also provides insight into who forwarded the review and the date requested.

To forward items to other reviewers

  1. Open the Submittal Item Details page.
  2. Click Forward for Review.
  3. The Forward for Review window is displayed.

  4. Complete all necessary fields.
  5. In the Send Type field, you can select whether to forward the item as a notification or require action from the recipient. The Action Required option will place the item in their court. Notify, is more like a CC or an FYI. This option is typically accompanied by a message.

  6. To complete your review and also forward, click Forward and Complete Review.
  7. —Or—

    To forward for review without marking your review complete, click Forward for Review.

    You are able to complete your review at a later time.

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