
The e-Builder Forms module helps you manage business processes by streamlining the circulation of documents, drawings, and other required communications. An electronic log is captured of all actions taken on a form, once it has been initiated. Logs are recorded throughout the life of the form, which aids auditing, reporting, and retrieval. Account administrators can create an endless number of forms to mimic processes traditionally routed around the office in paper format. All of the appropriate users are notified instantly via email when a new issue requires their attention or when an item has arrived in their court. With instant notifications, e-Builder reports and increased visibility for the whole team, the entire process becomes more secure and efficient.

Forms are created according to your business processes, and can be manually routed to select users and copied to any of the roles on your projects. Such forms might include RFI's, Accident Reports, and Project Issues. Unlike paper forms, e-Builder's electronic forms allow you to check on the status of a particular issue by simply logging into e-Builder and going to the Project Forms page. Forms provide a complete audit trail/history and can be customized based organizational need.