File Properties Permissions Tab

This tab allows you to view and modify file permission settings. When a document is uploaded, it inherits the parent folder's permission settings, but you can change settings for individual files as well. Document permissions are role specific, and cannot be set for individual users. Add the roles you wish to specify permissions for, and then create your settings for each selection.

From this tab, you can Redline documents.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • OK/ Apply: Click to save changes.
  • Cancel: Click to cancel and close this window. All unsaved changes will be lost.
  • Add: Click to open the Add Permissions window and select the roles or users you want to set access rights for. For your convenience, you have the choice of specifying permissions on the Add Permissions window or on this page; the same permission check boxes are available on both.
  • Remove: Click to remove the selected role from the list of roles below. If a role is not listed, it means that role does not have access to this file.
  • List Members: Click to open the Members window and view who the members of the selected project role are.
  • View: Select to allow users in the highlighted role permission to view this file in this project. (Any author or recipient of the file will be able to see the files they created/ received, regardless of this permission.)
  • Download: Select to allow users in the highlighted role to download the file to a local storage in the native file that the file was uploaded in.
  • Redline Markup: Select to allow users in the highlighted role to redline or mark up a file.
  • Modify: Select to allow users in the highlighted role to update the document name and description. This allows you to have version control to this file. If not selected, a new file will be created upon upload with a sequential number versus another version.
  • Delete: Select to allow users in the highlighted role to delete this file, even if another user created it.
  • Change Permissions: Select to allow users in the highlighted role to Update permissions for this file.
  • No Access: This role has no access to this file. This permission overrides any other permissions the user may be granted. Once you have selected your permissions, click Apply.