Review Package Invitation

The Bid Package view contains key package information at the top of the screen.

  • Title: The e-Builder customer account name, project name, and bid package name are listed at the top of the page
  • Status: Displays whether the package is Open or Closed, whether you have accepted or declined the bid, and whether you have submitted a response yet.
  • Timeframe: Displays how much time is left before the bid due date / time, and the bidding time zone.
  • Summary: Displays the current financial total of your bid response.

The Package Invitation tab contains the following descriptive information published by the bid manager:

  • Bid Info: The information on this tab varies depending on what the bid manager decided to fill out. Bid package description, contact person, pre-bid meeting details and bid instruction documentation are some of the items that may be included.
  • Invitation Documents: Drawings, specifications and other documentation for the bid are published here. The file/folder name, the version and the date/time it was uploaded are also displayed on this tab.

    To download a file or folder, click Download Icon beside the file name. To download all the files and sub-folders in a folder, click Download Icon beside the folder name. A folder containing multiple sub-folders or files will be automatically downloaded as a .zip file. A confirmation message will be displayed if the download is successful.

    This feature will not be available if the Invitation Document folder provided to you does not have a file for download.

  • Addenda: If addenda are published for the bid package, the documentation will be listed here. Prior to submitting your response, you will be required to acknowledge your receipt of every addendum with a check mark on the Additional Information tab. If addenda are published after you have submitted a bid response, your bid will be set back to Draft status and you will need to resubmit your response.

When you decide whether you will bid on this project, you can notify the organization of your intentions.

To accept / decline the invitation to bid

  1. Access the bid package.
  2. The Package Invitation tab is displayed.

  3. To accept or decline the invitation, click Accept or Decline.

    In the Status box, the Bidding field is updated to either Will Bid or Will Not Bid.