Ask Questions / View Responses

Questions for the bid manager may come up during the bid process . Using the Q&A  Board tab, you can submit questions, receive responses, view questions submitted by other bidders, and view the responses to those questions.

Bidder names are kept confidential. Viewers are only able to see the questions that have been submitted by another bidder, but their names remain anonymous.

To ask questions or review responses

  1. Access the bid package.
  2. Click the Q&A Board tab located to the right of the page.

    Questions are listed numerically with the most recent question at the top. To view a question and answer, click View icon.

  3. To ask a question, click Submit Question.

  4. On the Submit Question dialog box, enter the subject and question.

  5. Click Submit Question.

When the bid manager answers the question, you will receive an email notification, and your question will be bolded until you have clicked on the question and read the answer. If the bid manager subsequently updates the answer, the question will again be bolded until you read it.

Depending on the content of the question, the bid manager may provide the answer to just you or may share with all bidders. Other bidders will see “Another bidder” in the Questionee column, and not your name.

Click View All to see all questions. To export the data to a spreadsheet for printing, click Export.