Add/Edit Stamp Page

The Add Stamp page allows you to upload stamps into e-Builder and also adjust stamp settings and access permissions. For step-by-step instructions, see Upload Stamps.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Save: Click to save changes.
  • Cancel: Click to discard changes.
  • Stamp Details:
    • Name: Enter a name for the stamp.
    • Description: Enter a description of the stamp.
    • Source File: Click Browse to search for and upload a stamp. Only .jpg and .png file types are accepted.
  • Preview: After an image as has been uploaded, it appears in this section and updates dynamically, based on the settings you apply to it. The background text gives you a preview of how the stamp will look layered on top of written content.
  • Stamp Settings
    • Height: After a file has been uploaded, this field automatically populates with the height of the picture in pixels. Enter a preferred height to make changes. Click away from this field to see the selected height in the Preview section.
    • Width: After a file has been uploaded, this field automatically populates with the width of the picture in pixels. Enter a preferred height to make changes. Click away from this field to see the selected width in the Preview section.
    • Maintain Aspect Ratio: This check box is selected by default. Select to keep the aspect ratio of the image as you make changes to the width and height.
    • Transparency: Modify the transparency of the image by sliding the node across the transparency bar. You can also use the up and down arrows in the percentage field. You are able to view the transparency setting in the preview section.
    • Name Display
      • None: This is the default setting. Select if you do not want to include a your name as part of the stamp.
      • First Name Last Name: Select to display your first and last name as part of the stamp.
      • User Name: Select to display your username as part of the stamp.
    • Position: This setting displays only if a display name setting is selected. Click the drop-down arrow to select a position for the display name. Take a look at the Preview section to see how the display name appears.
    • Font: This setting displays only if a display name setting is selected. Click the drop-down arrow to select a font for the display name. Take a look at the Preview section to see how the display name appears.
    • Formatting: This setting displays only if a display name setting is selected. Select the Bold or Italic check box to modify the font style of the display name. Take a look at the Preview section to see how the display name appears.
    • Date Display
      • None: This is the default setting. Select if you do not want to include a date as part of the stamp.
      • Date: Select to display the date as part of the stamp.
      • Date and Time: Select to display the date and time as part of the stamp.
    • Position: This setting displays only if a date setting is selected. Click the drop-down arrow to select a position for the date. Take a look at the Preview section to see how the date appears.
    • Font: This setting displays only if a date setting is selected. Click the drop-down arrow to select a font for the date. Take a look at the Preview section to see how the date appears.
    • Formatting: This setting displays only if a date setting is selected. Select the Bold or Italic check box to modify the font style of the date. Take a look at the Preview section to see how the date appears.
  • Permissions
    • Access Permissions:
      • All Users - This is the default selection. Level this check box selected to grant all users access to this stamp.
      • Selected Roles - Select to choose the roles you want to give permission to access this stamp.
      • Selected Users - Select to choose the users you want to give permission to access this stamp.