Add/ Edit Commitment Item Page

This page allows you to add commitment items and make changes to existing item. It can also be used to see additional information about a change item. Below is a description of the fields and buttons located on this page.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Save: Click to save changes.
  • Cancel: Click to cancel any edits you've made. All unsaved changes will be lost.
  • Project Name: This field displays the project name by default.
  • Allowance Item: If this commitment item was flagged as an allowance when entered, this check box will be selected. An allowance refers to money set aside for a specific purpose (commitment). You cannot invoice against these types of commitments. The dispersal of an allowance has to be done through a commitment change to an existing or new commitment item.
  • Commitment Item Number: This is the number of the commitment item.
  • Budget Line Item: This is the budget line item this commitment item is associated with.
  • Description: This is the budget line item description.
  • Retainage Percent: This is the retainage percent amount.
  • Amount Retained: This is the total amount being retained.
  • Funding Rule: This is the funding rule associated with the commitment item. Click the drop-down arrow to make a selection or click the Edit link to customize a funding rule to apply to this commitment item.
  • Commitment Number: This is the commitment number.
  • Current Budget: This is the approved original budget and all approved budget changes.
  • Remaining To Be Committed: This is the amount left to be committed from the associated budget line item.
  • Amount: This is the amount of the commitment item.
  • Retainage Released: This is the amount that is approved to be released. For more information, see About Retainage Release in e-Builder.
  • Current Retainage Held: This is the amount of retainage currently held (not yet paid).